Our Story

I have always loved the Nigerian Dwarf Breed. Spunky inquisitive creatures that shower you with affection, loyalty, and companionship. Here on our farm each goat has a name, an individual personality, and each goat is a part of our family. We believe they should be treated with the dignity and loving care they deserve. All are given room to roam, a nourishing diet of pasture and forage. Where every doe raises her own kids. Bringing them, and us, tremendous amounts of joy. This approach requires a lot more work and a lot more time, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Here on our farm the goats come first.

We use the same approach to our soaps as we do our goats. We use simple ingredients that are gentle and nourishing, handcrafted with loving care. Each of our bars is a tribute to our herd and to the mountains on which they ramble. A soap that you’ll feel good about using.

I'm Bridgett. Mother, farmer and goat herder. Thank you for being here. Together, let’s grow a kinder farm.

Mama and daughter goat cuddle

Our Approach


From the soil to our herd. We take caring for this land seriously and treat every entity with respect.

Responsible Sourcing
We strive to support women farmers, small organic farms, and small local producers. We hand pick each supplier, and work with others who align with our values and standards when it comes to organic and regenerative farming practices.

Better Packaging
Our packaging is compostable and recyclable, keeping with our low waste philosophy.

Humane Animal Husbandry

Going above and beyond Certified Humane standards. Letting our goats be goats.


Be the first to know about our kidding season, new soaps and goat antics!